Indian DX Club International celebrates World Radio Day

Indian DX Club International celebrates World Radio Day
Indian DX Club International celebrates World Radio Day

Indian DX Club International celebrated World Radio Day 2023 on Sunday 12th 2023. Every year a small group of hardcore radio loyalist meetup in Kolkatta to celebrate World Radio Day. Unlike ham radio hobbyist, who are mostly tied up with the ham bands. This group is into receiving & identifying distant radio transmissions from various commerical radio braodcasters.
Many times, Dxers (as they are popularly referred to ) write a letter to these distant radio braocasters with key details of the transmission and broadcasters send them QSL cards acknowldging the same. Dxers take immense pride in these QSL Cards.

IDXCI according to itself –“Indian DX Club International (IDXCI) is an informal association of DXers mainly from India. Head quartered at Kolkata, India the association brings out the “Asian DX Review” DX bulletin which is presently an online publication which is distributed free. It has also been active in  organising DXpeditions and promoting the hobby of radio DXing in general.”

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