Top 6 Reasons to avoid uSDR

Couple of weeks backs DL2MAN and PE1NNZ gave us a complete demonstration of the famous uSDX transceiver. They spoke in length about the evolution of uSDX from its humble beginning from QCX experiment to its current state.

DL2MAN have infact made a kind of appeal to stop buying this Chinese uSDR

if you don’t know what’s uSDR, it’s probably good!

uSDR is a cheap illegal knockoff of the popular uSDX transceiver by DL2MAN and PE1NNZ

Here’s the Top 5 reasons – Why you shouldn’t buy uSDR

  1. Abosultely no support from the orignal design team of DL2MAN and PE1NNZ. If you buy it, you are of your own. Not even QRP Labs will help you!
  2. Do NOT reach the uSDX Efficiency Standards of 80-90% (they are more in the 50-60% range, in some cases even 20%) – They changed the orginal design to just mass produce these rigs!
  3. Do NOT fulfil the minimum Harmonic suppression legal requirement of -43dB (there were measurements done by group members, meanwhile by myself. Worst case was only -20dB below fundamental !!!)
  4. No Regard for Licenses! – uSDX team have released everything under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Yet! These Chinese manufacturers have no reagrd for these licenses!
  5. Lack in overall production quality and documentation – They don’t have any clear documentation or quality control – Even though uSDR is definately NOT a uSDX these guys shameless copies uSDX manuals from Github
  6. Creativity Destroyer! – Amateurs create these projects for sheer love of the hobby and for the amateur community to benefit for their work! When people blantantly copies your work without give you the required credit, it is kind of abuse and diminishes the entire concept of Open Source

It’s Ham Radio echoes the voice of amateurs paricularly of homebrewers. You can read more  @ DL2MAN Homepage

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