Hamsignal – A social network for amateurs worldwide

Hamsignal.net, a social networking website dedicated to the amateur radio community, has been launched. You need a valid amateur radio callsign to sign up to this amateurs only social media new website.

Upon first inspection, hamsignal.net may appear to be a direct replica of the world’s most popular social media website. However, the website has skillfully integrated some of the most commonly used tools from the amateur radio world. Furthermore, they have even added a ’73’ reaction for posts! I wrote a couple of posts with pictures and played around with the built-in tools like the Logbook and DX Cluster.

I reached out to Atilla Karadayi – TA4Q  to learn more about hamsignal.net and here’s what he have to say –

“For a long time I had thoughts about a special Social Networking project for amateur radio operators. This idea goes back to the times when social media-style sites first became popular. But it was not easy to implement. As a result of my research, I could not find a project similar to the one I had in mind. It’s a timeline-like platform like Facebook, but only for users with a ham radio license, so it shouldn’t be open to the unlicensed.

Thinking that social networks such as Facebook are already used, you may ask why there is a need for such a job. However, public social networks do not provide full service to amateur radio operators and we cannot share in accordance with the concept. User cannot register with call sign.

That’s why I decided to open the hamsignal.net platform.

What can you do here?

As in other social media, you can also share on behalf of amateur radio.
You can create a group.
You can create a page.
You can create a blog and write an article on ham radio.
You can sell and share the devices and/or equipment you have in the market.

Amateur Tools
Logbook (Beta)
Dx-cluster can be viewed, Post shared.
Contex calendar can be followed.
DMR tools Last heard, contacts download.
Your APRS Last location in your profile.
You can display the rewards you have received on your profile.
And we can add more.

Also, the platform is free to members.

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